SAA1057 PLL, 512-1800 kHz Tx

Universal PIC16F870 PCB

Universal 16F870 pcb
Component placement
copper layout
Copper Layout, 60 x 80 mm
I / O connections

512 - 1800 kHz Tx pll

PIC16F628 version.

UP or DOWN steps 1 or 9 kHz, STEP+UP or STEP+DOWN steps faster
use STEP button, to select 1 or  9 kHz steps.
lcd must be 2 lines, 16 characters, HD44780 compatible.

option to put your own text on second line of the lcd
[ 1 ] press UP and DOWN while powering up.
[ 2 ] use UP or DOWN to select a character.
[ 3 ] press STEP for the next character.
repeat [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] until the line is full
data is saved, and displayed on the 2nd line.

Uses 3 digital outputs for output-filter switching.
Range 1 = 512 -> 800 kHz. ( out1 = 5 Volt )
Range 2 = 800 -> 1200 kHz. ( out2 = 5 Volt )
Range 3 = 1200 -> 1800 kHz. ( out3 = 5 Volt )

pic16f870 & saa1057
PIC16F870 & SAA1057

test setup

-- 512 - 1800 kHz ---